A year with children in a camper through South America - Our short film "Collect Memories Not Toys".
By outdoorpashionist.com
Some time ago we edited together part of our South America video footage to make the short film "Collect Memories Not Toys". The original intention was to create a longer documentary with a professional post-production. But it is not so easy to find someone who wants to do it and we would have to invest countless hours to get a good result. We don't find the time in our everyday lives and we don't want to keep the pictures and our experiences from you, our followers, any longer. We set off on 20 August 2019, flying from Munich to Montevideo in Uruguay. There, shortly afterwards, we awaited the arrival of our camper, which had already been sailing from Hamburg towards South America since the end of July.
It arrived somewhat late on 6 September. From then on, we travelled across Uruguay, from where we then entered the north of Argentina. The Iguazú waterfalls marked the northernmost point for the time being. We visited them from both the Argentinian and the Brazilian side.
Collect Memories Not Toys from outdoorpashionist | Peter Schoen on Vimeo.